Friday, May 13, 2011

Health in a nutshell.

Lasssttt weeeekkk.. we did chapter 16 (I'm very behind.:/ )

We talked about Adolescence and adulthood.

Adolescence - the period of time between the start of puberty and full maturation.
 (So THIS is why I'm so awkward... lol just kidding.)
Puberty - the period of human development during which people become able to produce children.
Hormone - a chemical substance made and released in one part of the body that causes a change in another part of the body.
Testes  - the male reproductive structures that make sperm and produce the male hormone testosterone.

Teenagers don't think their parents understand what they're going through. But...... they do.

Menopause - the time of life when a woman stops ovulating and menstruating.
Midlife crisis - the sense of uncertainty about one's identity and values that some people experience in midlife.
Alzheimer's disease - a disease in which one gradually loses mental capacities and the ability to carry our daily activities.
Life expectancy - the average lenght of time an individual is expected to live.

Most people don't live to be 100. They would be old and wrinkly.

Capter 17 is this week.

Marriage, Parenthood, and Families.

Marriage - a lifelong union between a husband and a wife, who develop an intimate relationship.
Emotional intimacy - the state of being emotionally connected to another person.
Emotional maturity - the ability to assess a relationship or situation and to act according to what is best for oneself and for the other person in the relationship.
Divorce - the legal end to a marriage.

The stress in a teen marriage include:
  • Independence from parents and family
  • Financial worries
  • Changes in relationships with close friends
  • Interaction with in-laws
  • Concern for a spouse's emotional and physical well-being
  • Possible parenthood
Parental Responsibilities - the duty of a parent to provide for the physical, financial, mental, and emtional needs of a child.
Discipline - the act of teaching a child through correction, direction, rules, and reinforcement.

You need LOVE to have a happy marriage. :D

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