Thursday, April 14, 2011

Almost halfway there!

Encyclopedia Brittanica - This case (Roe v. Wade) began in 1970 ending in 1973. In a 7-2 vote, the lower court said it was violating a women's liberty of the 14th amendment to make abortion a crime. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe), was trying to get an abortion and Henry Wade didn't want that, therefore, taking it to court. People have started to try and overturn this case since 1973. - The court case of Roe v. Wade took place in Texas. The people came to the conclusion that the law against abortion was unconstitutional because it deprived a woman of "fundamental rights to choose whether and when to bear a child", they don't give the women privacy in a physician-patient relationship. They also take away the rights given to them by the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 14th amendments. Much debate as to whether the fetus is a human being inside the mother's womb.

CaliforniaRightToLife - "I think it's safe to say that the entire abortion industry is based on a lie... I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name." says Norma McCorvey. Ancient religion didn't even restrict abortion. Also, American's early views on abortion was negative and seen as an attack on human life.

Nancy Tompkin's Book - The Roe v. Wade case has sparked many public debates. Every unwanted pregnancy poses a conflict that about half the population has the luxury of never having to face. To men, legislatures, and Christians, abortion may seem to be a dispensable potion. But for many women, it makes the world's difference. Abortion is not unconventionable. It's the most common surgical procedure, and 1/5 of American women over 15 have had one. Most are young and single. More than a fourth are teenagers. And most say the couldn't afford a child for felt unable to be a good mother.

Deborah S. Romaine's Book - Chief Justice Burger was the judge. They could not decide on voting, but through the written information alone. The majority was angry so the draft was short.

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