Monday, January 24, 2011

"You're never too young."

Okay, lol so that quote has nothing to do with anything in this post. It's just the first thing that popped into my head.
I'm about halfway through my English blog assignment. 
I now need to describe the setting and introduce the characters.

The setting is in an Utopian community in the future within several other Utopian communities. In this community everyone is equal, no feeling of weather or feeling anything for that matter. Also, no color. "Sameness" is the word that I feel best describes this.
And now for the characters.
The main characters are Jonas and the Giver. The other characters are Lily, Asher, Fiona, Gabriel, Mother, and Father.
Jonas - is a 12 year old boy who lives in this community. As his job, he was selected, not assigned, the job of the Receiver. His job is to take the memories from the Giver so the community does not live with the burden of those thoughts.
The Giver - is an old man, who was chosen to hold all the memories of the community's past, just as Jonas was. He is Jonas's teacher, and shares with him, happy, sad, and burdensome memories, as it is his job.
Lily - is Jonas's 8 year old sister, and loves little Gabriel.
Asher - is Jonas's best guy friend. He was assigned the job as recreation director.
Fiona - is Jonas's best girl friend. Jonas is also interested in her. She was assigned the job of  taking care of the Old Ones.
Gabriel - is a little one, a newborn. He spent the year with Jonas's family and was almost released until Jonas took him along on his journey.
Mother - is Jonas's "mother" or the mom like figure who cared for him all his life.
Father - is Jonas's "father" or the father like figure who cared for him all his life. He is a nurturer and also a releaser.
As for antagonist and protagonist I was a little conflicted in who or what to choose. For protagonist I chose Jonas, obviously for he was the main character. For antagonist I had two choices.
My first choice was the feelings or there lack of. Or maybe the community seeing as though it's setting Jonas back. It's stopping him from experiencing life, the one we live nowadays. My second choice was Jonas's father, but I only decided this towards the end. You could see that after Jonas had watched the tape of his father "releasing", or killing the newborn twin, that he hated this father. That's kind of why I chose to see him as an enemy. 

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